Social Platforms and Blockchain Technology
I am sure everyone has heard about the Facebook crash the other day. How could you not, it was all over the place. Even though Facebook was down it was being mentioned on all other sites and platforms. Facebook is the biggest social media platform around. Before I started writing this I had no idea how far and wide Facebook was used. It has over two billion people who use it every month. This means that Facebook has information on over 1/4 of the human population! This is crazy to think about. Facebook probably knows more about you than you know about yourself which to me is terrifying. They have all of your pictures, conversations, personal interests, and so on. They know what you like and what you do not like. They know what you are interested in before you even know.
I have decided to distance myself from this platform. It is a hard thing to do since everyone you know uses it. I used to post about life and just random thoughts but now all I do is post family pictures. It is a good way to share photos with the entire family but I still do not like what has come up recently in the “whistleblower” thing and a couple of other personal experiences I have had Which come to find out I am not the only one seeing these things happen.
I had a feeling that the power of Facebook would one day be used for all the wrong reasons. I just did not know it would go this deep. I kind of knew they manipulated feeds and showed what they wanted to show to sway people’s opinions and thoughts. I knew they monitored you and kept information about you. I am sure every conversation you have ever had is in a database somewhere.
The personal experience I was talking about earlier is another thing Facebook has been doing without our knowledge. I thought this was just a coincidence, but the more and more it keeps happening the more I am becoming uncomfortable having the Facebook app on my phone.
My wife and I were talking about how we want to get our dog trained but the prices for having him trained by a professional are outrageous. We go outside to have a smoke and what do you know, an ad pops up for dog training on my wife’s feed. She said she did not search about it or anything. This has happened to me and my wife multiple times. This is leading me to believe that Facebook is listening to people’s conversations and basing the ads you see off of what you say. Have you noticed this happening to you?
The first time I thought it was just a coincidence. The second time I kind of just brushed it off. After about the 5th or 6th time I started wondering. So I did a little digging and found out I was not the only person this was happening to. There are tons of other people if not everyone that uses Facebook. Facebook swears up and down it does not listen to you but the more truth that is coming out I would not doubt we find out this is a lie as well.
Here is an article someone wrote about this happening to them. They have a little more in-depth article about this problem. Is Facebook listening to me? Why those ads appear after you talk about things
So I am sure you are thinking “What else is there other than Facebook?” If I delete facebook then how am I going to be able to see my normal funny and entertaining videos and posts from other people. There are other alternatives out there. There is a platform called Uhive which reminds me a lot of Facebook but different in so many ways. You get paid to interact on the platform. You can have multiple “spaces” to which you own the rights too. I have a feeling this platform is going to be huge one day. It is still growing and needs a little more time to get to its full potential but it is an amazing app. There is also which is by far one of my favorite platforms to use.
I believe Uhive and are the future of social platforms. There is so much to be explained about these platforms. I dedicated a post about Uhive if you are interested in learning about it. Uhive-Bringing People and Crypto Together. I also will be dedicating a post on soon. Another place you can check out is Uhive’s wiki page which explains how you can earn an income from using Uhive.
I just wanted to share these social platforms on here so you could see for yourself how much they have to offer and their potential to take Facebook and other outdated social platforms off of the map. The things that are happening lately are showing me more and more the old way we used to do things is not working anymore. It is time for a change.
The truth is coming out and changing the way the world works in major ways. The more truth that comes out the more people are going to not want anything to do with platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This will bring more people to platforms like Uhive and
Times are changing and I am trying to go with the flow. I used to love Facebook because of how easy it is to use and to connect with people. The idea of them tracking everything we do is not something I want to be a part of. I have nothing to hide but I also like to have my personal conversations with friends and family and not have to worry that I am always being listened to. I know a lot of people are going to say they are not listening to you and it is using demographic and location data to bring you ads that associate with your life but things just do not add up to me. If you feel the same way I suggest you do some research and see if other people are feeling the same way.
If this makes you feel uncomfortable like it has for me, then I suggest you start looking for alternatives and start researching ways to get your digital freedom back. Facebook has been around for about 17 years. So it has had 17 years to collect and sell your data. As I said, Facebook and its sister programs know more about you than you know about yourself. If you have Facebook installed on your phone then I suggest you be careful what you say and what pictures you take. I guess now it does not matter because the Gov. and Google are now collaborating. I am sure they have been for a while but now it is out in the open. Here is a story all about this topic. My next post will also be about this topic. So now no matter what you do big tech and Gov. are watching. Another reason I transitioned over to BRAVE. I wrote an article all about BRAVE if you want to know more about the BRAVE browser.
I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please like and follow for more content and to help me achieve my goal of being financially free.
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