Realistic Goal Planning
I want to talk about a problem I have had in the past that I just recently realized was even a problem. I have always set goals for myself. The problem with these goals was that they were too big and too far away. Do not get me wrong you need future goals but someone in my shoes needs to be focusing more on the here and now.
Instead of saying I am going to have $2,500 saved by the end of the year, you can focus more on the end of the month. So to be more realistic and to be able to achieve your goals without having a large amount of disappointment and stress you can set smaller goals adding up to your main goal. Instead, you can say “My goal is to save $210 each month”. This way your goal seems more achievable and not so far away. I have always had problems with setting goals that seem unachievable so I stopped trying. I have realized that if I make my goals smaller and closer to reality then it will be easier to achieve them. This is my personal opinion and has worked for me ever since I started using this thought process.
Here is a great article on pretty much what I am talking about. It is about setting goals that are small but lead up to your main goal. Why Thinking Small is The Secret to Big Success.
It can cause you anxiety and stress if you set a goal and are not able to follow through. This is why I think setting smaller goals that lead up to your main goal is your best bet. I have tried to set new years goals, birthday goals, and year-long goals and the percentage of me achieving these goals is very low.
I started this new small goal experiment about a year ago. I have gotten more done this year than I have ever gotten done since I started setting goals. Everyone is different though and this might not work for you. Some people might feel better setting big goals and working towards them. From my experience though, you can set big goals but having smaller goals along the way to get to your main goal has changed the way I do things.
I have an idea of the main goal I want but I do not set that goal for myself. I set one small obtainable goal each month adding up to my big goal. You could even set multiple small goals each month but make sure not to overwhelm yourself.
I have implemented this goal process into my Crypto earnings as well. I have set a goal to write at least two articles a week on I will not let myself deviate from my goal. If I go over my goal then that is great. This is why I set it at two posts a week. This is obtainable and gives me a little breathing room. This is just an example and you can use this for any part of your life.
I have had a problem following through with anything all through my life. I have made excuses and blamed everything but myself when I did not achieve my goals. It is up to you to change your life. It is up to you to make those hard decisions that can change your life for the better. Make every move calculated and thought out. I believe this is the only way to true financial and mental freedom.
There is a word I learned a long time ago when I was taking classes that makes a lot of sense and I use it when I set my goals. It is called SMART.
- Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
- Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
- Achievable (agreed, attainable).
- Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
- Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).
If you remember this word and base your goals on the SMART standard then you have more of a chance of achieving your goals. At least it has worked for me.
Keep a positive mindset and never doubt yourself. If you are always negative then you most likely always have negative outcomes. If you do not believe in yourself you will never achieve your true goals.
I hope this post has helped you and I hope everyone can achieve the goals they set for themselves. Also, remember everyone is different so this might not work for you.
If you have any thoughts on settings goals please leave a comment. I would love to hear other people’s thoughts.
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Until next time my friends.
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