Every Penny Counts (Another Great Earning Site)

Earn With Hatty
7 min readSep 3, 2022


Hello everyone! I hope everyone has been having a great week. I have another great earning site I want to share with everyone. There are a lot of earning sites out there and not all of them are worth the time and effort that you have to put into them. I am creating a website that shows you what websites and apps are the best ones to use that allow you to earn the most and are not a waste of time or harmful to your computer or phone. Check out my website for all of the websites and apps I prefer to use and think everyone will enjoy them as well. I have a lot more content on my website and I am adding new content every day. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments. Scan the QR code or click the link below.


This next earning site I want to go over is a great way to start earning Crypto, or if you are already using earning sites then this is a great addition to the sites you already use. Every penny counts and a penny saved is a penny earned as they say. I know a lot of people think faucets and Crypto earning sites are a waste of time but I believe that taking 30 minutes to an hour a night to earn and learn about Crypto could change your financial situation in the next 5 to 10 years. No one knows the future of Crypto but I believe that we are just seeing the beginning of what Crypto is capable of.


This next site I want to show everyone is called BITS.RE. If you have been reading my articles you might remember me writing about earning sites such as CoinPayz. If you do not remember this great earning site then check out my article “Earn Crypto With CoinPayz”. The reason I am bringing this up CoinPayz is that BITS.RE is a lot like CoinPayz. They both have the same earning mechanics and pretty much the same layout.

Every day you come back and claim your daily bonus you earn more from the faucet. You will not start earning a large amount at first but over time you will start earning more.

Now using sites such as this one will not allow you to earn that much but if you add a couple of good earning sites together and make a routine out of it every night then you will start seeing a decent amount coming in. You will earn more over time because sites like BITS.RE gives you a little more every day that you come back. You will end up earning the most by sharing your referral link. If you know of any family or friends that want to start earning a little Crypto then I suggest introducing them to the sites you use and this will allow you to start earning a small passive income from when they earn. BITS.RE allows you to earn 50% of what each of your referrals earns for life. Or at least as long as the site lasts.

I want to be honest when sharing earning sites with everyone. You do not know how long sites like this one are going to last but no matter what price Bitcoin goes to, whether it is extremely high or extremely low, earning sites like these will always be around. Some will last the test of time and some will not. This is why I try to write about the ones that I think are going to last and be worth putting your time and effort into them. There are a lot of sites that allow you to earn but the majority of them will not last. Be careful what sites you invest your time and money into.

These sites are here to show you the possibilities of Crypto and to allow you to start earning Crypto and using what you earn to slowly create a passive income through staking and providing liquidity or you can even take the route of sharing your referrals. I have noticed a lot of people want to see results right away and when they do not earn enough they give up and try to find something better. Good things take time. I have noticed that if you use a couple of decent sites every night for 30 minutes to an hour you can start earning a couple of dollars a month in Crypto and it slowly builds up over time. Patience is key when dealing with Crypto. It could be another couple of years before we see a major price change. Why not start earning a little on the side? What is good about these sites is you can earn more than just Bitcoin. So if you want to start earning Solana because you believe it is going to be huge one day then you can do that. I tend to use my earnings to invest in projects I think are going to last the test of time. I also put some off to the side to invest in making a website and sharing your links and other content. It takes money to make money as they say. Just think of ways to use the money you earn to try to make more money. It took me a while to get the money to invest in my website but I finally got there and I am slowly making more as time goes on. Nothing comes right away. It takes time and dedication.

If you are like me then you do not have extra money to invest in Crypto but you believe Crypto has a big part to do with the future of finance. This is why sites like BITS.RE are so important. They allow you to earn small amounts of Crypto which over time will allow you to invest in the projects you truly believe in.

If you would like to see a walk-through of BITS.RE then check out my video at the beginning of this article. I have gone through the whole process of using the site and how much you can earn and the benefits of using this great earning site.

There are so many great earning sites out there but there are also so many bad and misleading earning sites. This is why I am dedicating my time and energy to showing everyone which sites are worth the time.

If you do not have the time to check out my website then I am going to share a couple of my favorite earning sites at the end of this article. Patience is key when earning Crypto online. A lot of people say the best way to make money is by trading Crypto. The truth is a lot of people (me included) do not know how to trade and make a profit. The next best thing is using earning sites and using the amount you earn to invest in the projects you believe in. Also, find strong projects that have a decent APY which will allow you to start earning a passive income. Another way is by providing liquidity. This is a little more complicated and if you do something wrong or do not have enough funds for the gas fees then you have a chance of losing the amount you have earned. I suggest doing a good amount of research on providing liquidity and finding strong projects with low gas fees. Polygon and Algorand are two of my favorites. Do not get me wrong, I love Ethereum but the gas fees are way too high for people like me with a small amount of Crypto to try to invest in providing liquidity. After The Merge, The Shanghai update, and sharding we will have a better chance of investing in Ethereum projects.

I hope everyone has enjoyed this article. I have a couple of other earning sites I will be writing about in the near future. My next article is going to be about one of my favorite new earning sites. This site is a must-have if you use earning sites to bring in a little extra Crypto. Subscribe so you can be notified when I post! You are going to want to hear about this next earning site I have found.




Thanks for taking the time to read my article. Please like, follow, and say hi in the comments. I will post a new article and video every weekend so stay tuned.


Original article on read.cash

